T-Tech Blog

Microsoft Copilot for Midmarket Accountants

Written by T-Tech | Jan 12, 2024 1:06:48 AM

AI tools, including Microsoft 365 Copilot, offer immense potential to accountancy firms, streamlining tasks and enhancing efficiency. Users have reported a 70% increase in productivity and a 68% improvement in work quality, showcasing the transformative impact of these tools. However, its adoption is met with hesitancy due to concerns about implementation costs, and a general lack of organisational understanding. 

Challenges with Legacy Systems

A major hurdle in adopting AI tools like Copilot and SharePoint is the prevalence of legacy accounting systems. As you know all too well, these systems are incompatible with modern technology, which creates barriers to adoption. The integration of AI tools has been shown to reduce meeting catch-up time by nearly 4x, emphasising the efficiency gains that can be achieved. 

Strategies for Leveraging AI

There are several strategies to maximise the benefits of AI tools. The most straightforward is to migrate away from legacy applications and establish Microsoft-based platforms, like SharePoint for Document Management and Dynamics for a customer portal for uniform data input.

Nearly one-third of Copilot users reported improved performance in specific tasks when using these AI tools on top of their existing platforms, demonstrating their effectiveness. In cases where it is not feasible to migrate away from legacy tools, Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is also recommended as an alternative to direct integration through APIs.


Data Privacy and Security

Data privacy and security emerge as the primary concerns for IT decision-makers. This emphasises the need for secure data handling and processing when integrating AI tools. Interestingly, 64% of users reported spending less time on emails, suggesting that AI can also enhance operational security by reducing the volume of potentially vulnerable communication. 

Overcoming Employee Resistance

Educating and gaining buy-in from employees is crucial for successful AI integration. The report suggests that companies like T-Tech are assisting clients with AI readiness assessments to prepare them for AI adoption. Notably, 77% of users didn’t want to stop using Copilot once they started, indicating high user satisfaction and potential ease in overcoming resistance. 

Cost of AI Implementation 

Leaders have concerns regarding potential of high costs of AI implementation, specifically mentioning Microsoft Copilot's pricing and the need to build a strong business case to justify the investment. It's worth noting that 87% of users found it easier to start drafts and 75% saved time finding files, which can be compelling points in building a cost-benefit analysis. 

Consultation and AI Strategy Development

Developing an AI implementation roadmap, in consultation with AI experts, is essential. This roadmap should focus on incorporating AI capabilities into existing tools like Microsoft SharePoint, thereby enhancing document management and data insights. The ability of AI to streamline processes and improve efficiency can be a key driver in this strategy development. 

Training and Recruitment for AI Skills

 The industry is gradually moving towards AI adoption, with firms providing training on AI technologies and recruiting new talent with AI expertise. This approach is vital for firms to keep pace with technological advancements and leverage the benefits of AI, such as improved productivity and work quality. 

To Sum Up 

The journey towards integrating AI in accountancy, particularly with tools like Microsoft 365 Copilot and SharePoint, is marked by both promising opportunities and notable challenges. Addressing issues related to legacy systems, data security, employee buy-in, and cost is crucial. However, the significant improvements in efficiency, productivity, and task management reported by users underscore the potential benefits of this technological evolution. A recent T-Tech webinar shed light on the evolving landscape of the accounting industry, focusing on the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its transformative impact. Central to the discussion was Microsoft's Copilot AI, a tool designed to innovate and streamline accounting processes. Participants highlighted the necessity for organisations to be mature enough for AI adoption, noting the potential roadblocks posed by legacy software systems. 

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